Please enter the correct delivery address details at the time of placing an order. If you enter the wrong address, we are not obliged to re-send the order to the correct address at our expense. We will make every effort to make it deliver on time when the details are provided correctly.
This website offers Standard Shipping. We work with multiple carriers for shipment of your orders. At the time of dispatch, we consider a carrier that offers the best service at that time and serves your destination. Standard shipping takes max. 2 to 5 business days within India. Once your order is complete, invoice and Confirmation mail will be sent to you and once shipment is done, shipment confirmation will be mailed to you. It is the responsibility of the customer to inform us if an order does not arrive. You can write to www.moodsplanet.com. Once we find out an order has not arrived by the due date, we will lodge enquiries with the courier to ensure delivery occurs as soon as possible. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from late delivery.